Mooball IT has recently become an MSP partner for ManageProtect and can now provide high quality spam and virus filtering as well as email continuity solutions.

Fighting Spam with MPMailToday spam makes up an alarming 94% of all email traffic on the internet. This is a staggering statistic and is unfortunately not likely to change until the very structure of internet email is changed.

Mooball IT has in place systems to block out most obvious spam but it is an extremely difficult task to automate given the tactics that spammers employ. Systems that are too sensitive block genuine mail, systems that are weak will still leave you with hundreds of spam messages per day. And the nature of spam is changing daily so the battle requires constant monitoring and adjusting to cope with new variations.

Mooball IT is now an MSP Partner of ManageProtect and can provide high quality spam and virus filtering solutions as well as email continuity through this partnership.

ManageProtect is an Australian company which specialises in email security and continuity and their product MPMail is one of the best solutions in the world for combating spam. The technology they use is being used by over 35,000 companies world wide.

MPMail is an email filtering service which can be deployed on any domain without the need for any changes to your mail server or hosting arrangements. All email to your domain is routed through the ManageProtect servers, where it is cleaned and then delivered onto your mail server.

MPMail Features:

  • Immediate discarding of all genuine spam and viruses
  • suspicious emails are blocked and held in a quarantine for 7 days
  • extremely simple to manage – each email recipient in your business will receive a daily report listing all mail trapped in the quarantine with single click links to release the mail and/or white-list the sender. No need to remember more passwords!
  • backup your current mail server – if your mail server goes off line MPMail will hold your mail for up to 7 days (store and forward)
  • develop your own custom mail filtering rules such as blocking specific file attachment types, or specific content, or allowing content that might otherwise be trapped.