Google’s Largest Developer Event of the Year. Google I/O brings together thousands of developers for two days of deep technical content, focused on building the next generation of web, mobile, and enterprise applications with Google and open web technologies such as Android, Google Chrome, Google APIs, Google Web Toolkit, App Engine, and more.

Google I/O May 19-20, 2010
Moscone West, San Francisco

I/O will feature over 80 sessions ranging from introductory talks to deep dives on the nuts and bolts of a particular technology or product. Fireside chats will also return this year, where you can ask questions to Google engineers in an informal, intimate setting.

The Developer Sandbox, first introduced at I/O 2009, returns this year to I/O. The Sandbox will feature over 100 developers who have built applications based on technologies and products featured at I/O. These developers will be on hand to demo their apps, talk about how they built them, answer questions, and exchange ideas.

Get one-on-one help from product experts at Office Hours. Products featured in breakout sessions will have a designated ‘office space’ where members of Google Engineering and Developer Relations teams will be available for drop-in Q&A. Come ask questions, share your code snippets, and meet new people.

I/O is a great opportunity to connect with new and familiar faces. We’re excited to have so many bright and talent developers of a wide range of apps, companies, and technologies join us from around the world. You’ll be able to meet other developers, discuss ideas, and share what you’ve been working on.

Click here for more information.