Announcing Plone 4, the latest version of the state-of-the-art open source CMS. It’s faster, more powerful and more beautiful than ever before. Take a tour of the new features in Plone 4.

Plone 4: Speed, Power & BeautyPlone 4 shipped in September 2010. It focuses on increased speed, scalability, and ease-of-use — and offers simple installation for both new sites and upgrades.

Plone is a powerful, polished and user-friendly content management system. If you are already familiar with Plone, you’ll find that Plone 4 is an easy, rewarding upgrade that delivers immediate benefits to end-users, content editors and developers alike. If you’re new to Plone, welcome aboard! We think you’re going to like what you see.

Plone 4 is…

  • Blazing fast. Plone 4 is about 50% faster than Plone 3 overall, with big improvements for both anonymous and logged-in users. Plone is one of the fastest open-source CMS platforms on the market.
  • Beautiful. Plone 4 features a brand-new default theme called “Sunburst.” It’s sleek, minimalist, modern and easy to customize.
  • Easy to use. Plone 4’s user interface has been polished and refined so it’s even more intuitive. Plone 4 includes a new graphical HTML editor (TinyMCE), improved default configuration settings and more.
  • Easy to install + upgrade. Like previous versions of Plone, we provide point-and-click installers for Windows and Mac and a simple universal installer for Linux/Unix. You can be up and running in under 10 minutes. Plone 4 is an easy upgrade from Plone 3.

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